वृन्ताकं पाककृतिः
Recipe for Brinjal with Tamarind
मूलश्लोकः क्षेमकुतूहलात्
वार्ताकं कलितं सुवृन्तसहितं
संस्वेदितं काञ्जिके
शुद्धेऽम्ले घृतधान्यकार्द्रकनिशासंपर्कितं पाचितम्।
सक्षारं मरिचावचूर्णितमथो तैलेन हिङ्ग्वा
दारुमयेऽपि पुंसि कुरुते घ्रातं क्षुधाबोधनम्॥ ८.२४
वार्ताकम् कलितम् सुवृन्तसहितम्
संस्वेदितम् काञ्जिके शुद्धे अम्ले घृत-धान्यक-आर्द्रक-निशा-संपर्कितम् पाचितम्।सक्षारम् मरिचावचूर्णिरम्-अथः तैलेन
हिङ्ग्वा लसद्वासम् दारुमये अपि पुंसि कुरुते घ्रातम् क्षुधाबोधनम्॥ ८.२४
सुवृन्तसहितं कलितं शुद्धेऽम्ले
काञ्जिके संस्वेदितं घृतधान्यकार्द्रकनिशासंपर्कितं पाचितम् सक्षारं मरिचावचूर्णितं
तैलेन हिङ्ग्वा लसद्वासं घ्रातं वार्ताकं दारुमये पुंसि अपि क्षुधाबोधनं कुरुते ।
क्षेमशर्मा says -
On smelling this preparation, even the wood like man's appetite will be aroused.
Brinjal - 250 gms
Tamarind - little lemon size
Ghee - Clarified butter - 2 teaspoon
Coriander -
Wet Ginger - sliced - 3 teaspoon
Turmeric - little as required
Black pepper powdered - 2 teaspoon
Asafoedita - as required
Sesame oil - as required for shallow fry
Salt to taste
Cut/slit brinjal into 4 pieces
and make sure the stalk is intact. Cook the brinjal in sour gruel along with
Gruel can be prepared by soaking the tamarind in water for sometime and remove the tamarind. Let that boil by keeping the flame in simmer. The
same way as we do for any gravy dish, add just enough water to cook brinjal.
In the sloka संस्वेदितम् –
steamed/stewed is given, so close the vessel with a lid and let it get cooked till the brinjal gets softened.
Then add ghee, coriander, sliced wet ginger and turmeric. Add powdered black pepper.
This mixture is to be dipped in oil containing
asafoetida. Preheat oil along with little either solid
asafetida or the powder and then add the mixture of brinjal with it and stir it
for some time.