क्षेमकुतूहलात् पाककृतयः
Recipes from KShemakutUhalam
The 16th Century Samskrita text , KshemakutUhalam was composed by kshemasharma. Some of the recipes from that with the Original "श्लोकाः" are showcased here in this blog. Your are welcome to write your comments on each of the recipe.
About क्षेमकुतूहलम्
Kshemakutuhalam is a 16th century Sanskrit work entirely devoted to the description of food articles, including their preparation methods and properties. The author was Kshemasharma, a reputed royal physician (Rajavaidya) at the Court of King Vikrama, whose dynasty is believed to have been located in the vicinity of present day New Delhi. "Kshemakutuhalam" meaning "Curiosity of Well Being" is appropriately named.
मङ्गलाचरणम् - Benediction
गिरीशतनयो गुरुः सकलसिद्धिवारांनिधिः भिनत्तु दुरितानि नः सततमोदकादः सदा॥ १.१
The one whose pleasant trumpet is like the soft sweet sound made by bubble bees while flying around his temporal fluid overflowing the surface of the cheeks, who is the son of the lord of the mountains, who is hefty in appearance, the one who is the ocean of all accomplishments, the one who eats the sweetmeat all the time, let him always destroy all our sins/difficulties.
भोजनप्रकाराः - Types of Food
भक्ष्यं भोज्यं लेह्यपेयम् इति आहारचतुष्टयम्।। १.३६
भक्ष्यम् – swallowed, भोज्यम् – chewed, लेह्यम् – licked, पेयम् – drunk.
Four types of food are those that need to be swallowed, chewed, licked and drunk.
पाकप्रकाराः - Types of Cooking
मधुरादिरसोपेतं क्रियते तद्विवेचनम्।
भर्जनं तलनं स्वेदः पाचनं क्वथनं तथा॥ १.३७
तान्दूरं पुटपाकप्टा पाकः सप्तविधो मतः।
हिङ्गु तैलं च लवणं पानीयं व्यञ्जनेऽखिले॥ १.३९
The four types of foodstuffs are discussed in the light of their association with the six tastes starting with sweet. भर्जनम् - frying, तलनम् – floating in oil, स्वेदः – steaming/vaporizing, पाचनम् - cooking to ripen, क्वथनं – boiling, तान्दूरं – roasting on a spit पुटपाकप्टा – cooking foodstuffs in a pit after wrapping them with leaves are the seven ways of cooking.
In all preparations हिङ्गुः – asafoetida, तैलम् – sesame oil, लवणम् – salt, पानीयम् – water should be added to the ingredients in line with the tradition.
These recipes are discussed during #SanskritAppreciationHour in twitter.com.
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